Weeknotes 2023.10: Snatches of warmth

The weather forecast was non-stop sleet and rain at the start of the week. There were gaps in it, though, and I didn’t hesitate to use them. I made a dash to a bookshop via Hackney Marshes at sunset on Monday. On the way back via Leyton, there was a loud cacophony of parakeets in the wooded area by Temple Mills Eurostar depot, departing in flocks and audible even over the din of passing cars.
(Of course, because I’m posting this a bit delayed, I went out around the same time today—Monday 13th—for a run, and got hit by a squall of rain. Ho hum.)
Things I have enjoyed this week
- If you like wholesome content and watching people doing things with competence, this video of a student pilot making her first solo flight (three take-offs, loops, and landings) is delightful.
- I’ve been playing HALO INFINITE season 3 on multiplayer, which adds some new game modes that are deliciously entertaining. A shame that the gaming industry is still dependent on micro transaction and engagement nonsense, but at least (as of the previous update) the game respects your time a bit more.